About Pontarius
Pontarius is the infrastructure and construction consultant that integrates business development, finance, law, environment, management and technology. We are driven by a passion of improving the result and performance of our clients; both at an organization level and for the products and services that they offer. With a holistic approach, we use competences from several different areas to obtain the widest possible insight and knowledge in planning, implementation and follow-up of projects.
Our past
Pontarius began as an airport and seaport consultant in 2006. Our first three assignments were an upgrade project at Gothenburg’s container port, a major airport assignment in northern Iraq and a management assignment for Assa Abloy. These assignments were a good reflection of Pontarius’ ideas and vision: mixing competences, cultures and experiences from different areas to create innovation and synergy effects for the benefit of the client.
At Pontarius, we strongly believe that sustainable development is based on the use of balanced strategies. This means that we apply a holistic approach to current and future challenges by integrating economic growth, social justice and environmental governance. After all, sustainability is about understanding and balancing the visions, goals and needs of all stakeholders. Finding the right balance between creativity and structure is crucial to achieving success and is the goal we are constantly striving to achieve.
Our present
Today, our focus is on infrastructure and social development from a broad perspective, from the early planning stages, through the financing, project design and construction phase, to the operating phase and winding-up stage. We are active in a number of sectors (Roads & Streets, Seaports, Environment, Landscape Architecture, Aviation & Airports, Real Estate, etc.) in a wide range of geographic markets. We have offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Norrköping, Linköping, Jönköping, Örebro, Lund, Nyköping och Falun. We operate within several areas of competence that together and individually provide multiple perspectives to ensure a holistic approach to solutions and implementation.
Our colleagues have a wide range of qualifications and backgrounds, including Bachelor of Engineering, Master of Science in Engineering, Landscape Architect, Jurist, Master of Business Administration, Licentiate of Engineering and Doctor of Technology. In addition to our Swedish clients, we have also performed assignments in all our neighbouring Scandinavian and Baltic countries as well as in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Our projects involve everything from simpler investigations to complex national infrastructure projects. No project is too small to get involved with, and no project is too large to handle!
Pontarius’ mission is to act with social responsibility so that our sustainable development is in line with the interests and requirements for social development and environmental protection that exist within society at large.
Our future
In 30 years, the percentage of the population over 60 years of age will have doubled, and 70% of the world’s population will live in cities. This means that we must find solutions for tomorrow’s urban growth regions, which places enormous demands on society’s ability to adapt and develop. Pontarius is proud to be involved in the creation of opportunities and solutions that address these challenges. Could anything be more relevant, more important or more stimulating?
Our activities include, for example, measures aimed at resolving water-related issues in the future. Our water needs to be clean, fairly allocated and available in the right locations and in sufficient quantities. We also constantly strive to find climate-smart alternatives for infrastructure and social development, something that is closely linked to renewable and fossil-free energy and new building materials.
We genuinely believe that something positive is created through the interaction of people; between continents, across borders or in the local town square. We therefore strive to provide tomorrow’s attractive meeting places and to develop effective transportation solutions that include everything from energy-efficient and carbon-neutral air travel to wonderful bike paths through and between the green urban centres of the future. Towns and cities where people are able to live, work and develop.
It has never been as necessary or relevant to combine so many different perspectives and competences in order to meet tomorrow’s challenges – which is exactly what Pontarius is passionate about!
Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR
Pontarius business model is focused on value-adding and sustainable development for our customers based on an emphasis on the continous professional development of our employees and our systematic way of approaching a client need.
At Pontarius, we strongly believe that sustainable development is based on the use of balanced strategies. This means that we apply a holistic approach to current and future challenges by integrating economic growth, social justice and environmental governance. After all, sustainability is about understanding and balancing the visions, goals and needs of all stakeholders. Finding the right balance between creativity and structure is crucial to achieving success and is the goal we are constantly striving for.
Pontarius has a robust and well-integrated Code of Conduct that provides guidelines on how we should adopt a professional behavior when interacting with each other, our customers, acting as representatives for our clients, in the communities where we operate, and other stakeholders
Pontarius has implemented the Swedish law (2021:890) on the protection of individuals who report non-complianse (“Whistleblower law”). Our whistleblower function is a web and phone-based service that allows for anonymous reporting of suspected non-compliance with business ethics regulations or other irregularities. You can click here if you suspect that Pontarius is not meeting the requirements and want to report it.
Human Rights
Principle 1: Support and respect the protection of internationally recognized human rights.
Principle 2: Ensure that we do not contribute to the violation of human rights.
Principle 3: Maintain the right of association and recognize the right to collective bargaining.
Principle 4: Elimination of all forms of forced labor.
Principle 5: Abolition of child labor.
Principle 6: Elimination of employment and occupational discrimination.
Principle 7: Adopt a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
Principle 8: Implement initiatives aimed at promoting increased environmental responsibility.
Principle 9: Encourage the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.
Work against corruption
Principle 10: Combat corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
The NVF acts as an exchange for information, knowledge and experience in the Nordic road transport sector. The forum works for the harmonisation of regulation as well as for Nordic coordination with the EU.
Stockholm Chamber of Commerce is a politically independent membership organisation. Its activities consist of three main areas: opinion building, business networking and third-party services. Stockholm Chamber of Commerce is one of the principle members of the Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute (IMM).
SBR is a non-profit professional organisation for engineers in the construction and property industries. SBR’s purpose is to develop the professional expertise of its member
SFK offers a network to increase expertise and provide inspiration for those working in business development.
Médecins Sans Frontières is a humanitarian organisation dedicated to saving lives and alleviating suffering wherever they are most needed. MSF offers assistance to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare based on need, irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation.
SEK is responsible for standardisation in Sweden in the field of electricity. The organisation also co-ordinates Swedish participation in European and other international standardisation work as a member of the IEC and CENELEC.
The East Sweden Chamber of Commerce is the region’s largest business network with approximately 900 member companies with an estimated 50,000 employees.
The East Swedish Chamber of Commerce has offices in Norrköping and Linköping, but meetings take place everywhere in the region, which includes Östergötland, Sörmland and Gotland.
Work to promote the function of asphalt and pavements in society. In cooperation with other organizations, we will work to promote the members’ common interest in good ethics, a high standard of technical execution competence with sustainability in focus, good documentation and coordinate issues of safety, health, environment, education and methodological issues
Pontarius’ ISO-certified business system ensures that we work systematically with important quality, environmental and health and safety issues. We are audited yearly by the external, impartial certification body Qvalify who monitor our compliance with the requirements of the various standards and ensure that we work with continuous improvement.
In Pontarius’ work with management, legal, financial and technical consulting services in Sweden as well as internationally regarding the operations, services and products of companies, authorities and organizations, we shall work to ensure information security through:
- to handle all information correctly without hindering or hindering learning and collaboration in daily work. To ensure correct handling, all colleagues must have knowledge of current information security rules.
- to handle all information, regardless of form, so that we live up to the requirements set by our business and our customers. Likewise, we must ensure that requirements for information management in current legislation and requirements set by authorities, customers, colleagues and other stakeholders are met with regard to confidentiality, availability, accuracy and traceability.
- to handle all documented information in an efficient and cost-effective manner throughout the information’s entire life cycle; obtain – establish – approve – use – store – archive – remove. All concerned must feel confident that information is handled in a proper manner throughout the entire life cycle.
- to protect all documented information at the company from loss, damage, accidental alteration and unauthorized access through training of all colleagues and the appropriate choice of technology.
» Information security (ISO 27001)
Pontarius is certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015. Our quality management system ensures that we continually implement improvements to our efficiency and procedures, as well as with regard to our customers and product/services.
Pontarius is certified in accordance with ISO 14001:2015. Our environmental management system ensures that we are in compliance with legislation, improve our environmental performance and reduce our environmental impact.
» Pontarius’ environmental management policy (Swedish language)
Pontarius’ management system for Occupational Health and Safety is certified in accordance with ISO 45001:2018.
» Pontarius’ policy for occupational health and safety (Swedish language) VS P-AM Arbetsmiljöpolicy
Pontarius has a number of employees who are SP SITAC certified as inspectors at the highest level, K, under the provisions of the Planning and Building Act.
Pontarius has a number of employees who are SP SITAC and SBR Svenska Byggingenjörers Riksförbund (Swedish Construction Engineers Association) certified Contract Verifiers and thereby have the authority to decide whether the demands of a contract have been fulfilled.
Achilles Utilities Nordics & Central Europe (Achilles Utilities NCE) är ett kvalificeringssystem för leverantörer till försörjningssektorn i norra och centraleuropa som inköpare använder för hantering av leverantörsinformation och -risk samt för att effektivisera inköpsverksamhet och upphandling som följer lagen om upphandling inom försörjningssektorn (LUF). Läs mer om Achilles på www.achilles.com.
Specific initiatives – Médecins Sans Frontières
Pontarius supports Médecins Sans Frontières as a Corporate Supporter for the whole of 2025. Through our donation we assist Médecins Sans Frontières in saving lives and alleviating suffering wherever they are most needed.
Médecins Sans Frontières is a humanitarian organisation dedicated to saving lives and alleviating suffering wherever they are most needed. MSF offers assistance to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare based on need, irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation. During the course of one year, Médecins Sans Frontières dispatches in the region of 2,500 field workers to approximately 70 countries where they work with 30,000 locally employed staff. In 1999, Médecins Sans Frontières was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.